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Tid: 00:00 - 00:00
Plats: Musikens Hus

Fantastiska Senny Camara är tillbaka i Göteborg! Senny spelade under Kalebassis event på Planeta Festival 2019 på Café Hängmattan med Göteborgsbaserade musiker under en magisk kväll. Nu är hon tillbaka på Musikens Hus stora scen med samma musiker bestående av Tapha Ndiongue, Åke Zieden, Babou Jagne, Stefan Bergman och Lamine Faty.

Även: DJ Norriz – Old School Reggae.

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About Senny Camara:
Having grown up to the sound of healing songs and chants of singers at traditional wrestling fights, Senny Camara takes us to the countries of the ancient Serere kingdoms, people of southern Senegal, while honoring the magical powers of the kora. But Senny Camara is not only a kora player, an instrument usually reserved for men; with her luminous voice, the artist draws the outlines of a personality shaped by ancestral melodies, pegged to desires of emancipation, curiosity and musical overtures according to the encounters that have led her from Senegal to Paris.

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Plats: Stora Salen Musikens Hus med Meny & Bar

Arrangör: Kalebassi i samarbete med Folkuniversitetet

Kalebassi – A Cooking Pot of Rhythm and Happiness